
Video | My idea of video art


Luxometro is a project born during the first white night in Rome in September 2006.

For many artists, the Gazometro has always been a source of inspiration; personally, I have portrayed it several times with different techniques.

On that occasion, the Gazometro in Rome was transformed into a monumental luminous work covered with LED bulbs by Angelo Bonello, the author of the installation.

In this project I used a sequence of photographs taken by me from the terrace of my friend's house, keeping the exposure time very long and moving the camera very slowly during the shot, as if it were a brush.
During editing I did not add any effects or filters, I simply used fades between photos and then 'played' some chords with a midi keyboard connected to my Mac.


This is my first video-art project born by chance while having fun discovering a video editing programme.
It is photos manipulated using filters to which I added audio loops.

Notturno n3

Uno sguardo un pò acido sulla notte, vista dai finestrini di un autobus al termine di un turno di lavoro notturno.

E' un video che fa parte di una a serie di paesaggi notturni realizzati mettendo in sequenza alcune foto scattate di notte a Roma.

Il suono è stato realizzato monipolando alcuni suoni e sequenze musicali.

For information and collaboration, write to me.

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